LP Coil System

Ruby Coil LP & Packing Coil LP

LP Coil System illustration of embolization coils in a vessel in the body

.0165″–.021″ Microcatheter compatibility

  • Ruby® Coil LP & Packing Coil LP offer the same technology as Penumbra’s Large Volume System. The LP system coils are deliverable through low profile microcatheters (.0165-.021″) and are available in sizes as small as 1 mm and lengths up to 70 cm.

    Diagram of illustration explaining the LP Embolization System sizes, dimensions, and usage (information found below) with text "Ruby Coil LP - Initial coil in small vessels - Available in sizes as small as 1 mm in diameter" and "Packing Coil LP - Space filling liquid metal coil - designed to conform to vessel diameter"


    Ruby Coil LP

    • Low Profile Platform: 1 mm × 2 cm–10 mm × 70 cm

    Packing Coil LP

    • Low Profile Platform: 3–60 cm lengths

    Renderings for illustrative purposes only. Individual results may vary depending on patient-specific attributes and other factors.


    Penumbra’s low profile coils are available up to 70 cm length and have a .0135″ thickness

    • LP System
      • .0165″–.021″ Microcatheter Compatibility

    Renderings for illustrative purposes only.

Embolization System Coil Reference Guide

MRI Compatibility

Related Cases

Images used with permission and provided for illustrative purposes only. Procedural techniques and decisions based on physician’s medical judgment. Individual results may vary. Consents on file at Penumbra, Inc.


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