Penumbra Launches Latest Innovations in Neuro Embolization Intervention: MIDWAY™ Intermediate Catheters

May 7, 2024
Midway Intermediate Cahteters on a grey background

Penumbra recently launched MIDWAY 43 and MIDWAY 62 delivery catheters, which are designed to provide ideal tracking and a stable platform to support the delivery of various embolization therapies in the neurovasculature. Based on Penumbra’s RED® catheter technology, these MIDWAY intermediate catheters are a significant advancement in the intermediate access device market, which has seen minimal innovation over the last decade.

“The field of Neuro-Endovascular Surgery continues to evolve and expand in both scope and expectations of efficacy, creating increasing demands for technical efficiency and safety,” said John Chaloupka, M.D., Mount Sinai Miami. “This trend is taking operators into more challenging technical scenarios, such as microcatheterization into far distal target lesions, tortuous intracranial vasculature, and unfavorable aortic arch/neck anatomy. As such, use of so-called ‘intermediate access guiding catheters’ has become an important technological requirement towards achieving these goals.  Penumbra’s portfolio of MIDWAY intermediate catheters now provides us with highly engineered technology that provides an optimal balance of support and trackability in a wide range of applications.”

Compatible with Penumbra’s BENCHMARK™ 71, BMX®81 and BMX96® Access Systems, the new MIDWAY catheters are engineered to enable the precise delivery of distal microcatheters, embolization coils, intrasaccular devices, and flow diverters. For each therapeutic approach, MIDWAY catheters are designed to provide a critical balance between trackability and support which is achieved through the advanced catheter design, full length PTFE liner, and distal hydrophilic coating.

Penumbra’s commitment to innovation is setting a new standard for intermediate access catheters, helping potentially more than 50,000 patients in the US a year with the latest technology.

Important Safety Information

Additional information about Penumbra’s products can be located on Penumbra’s website at Prior to use, please refer to Instructions for Use for complete product indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse events and detailed instructions for use. Risk information can be found at


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